
on your purchase of

Follow the next steps to set up NextView and start your first measurment.


Download the latest version of NextView:

If you are using an older version of NextView, you can buy the upgrade here.

All USB and PCI based DAQ systems need the latest driver package.

Download the installer and start the installation via double-click.

Only the Lan-based systems do not require any drivers. To adjust the network settings an those devices, you need the Lan-Admin software. You can find the latest version on the product page of you Lan-based system.

As soon as the installation of NextView - and optional the driver package - is completed, you can launch NextView and start the licensing.

On the first start of NextView a new dialog screen appears. This will guide you through the licencing process.

You need the serial number of your NextView to licence your installation. You can find the number on the back of you licencecard or on a label in the box.


Enter the serial number in the coresponding textfield and click "Request License".

You can click on "Open" to automaticlly open you browser with a prefilled request form.

If ypur computer is not connected to the internet, you can find the request form here.

Attention: The licence key is send to the mail adress entered in the form. This licence key is crucial for finishing the licensing.

As a last step you have to enter the licence key before you can (almost) start to measure.

To start measuring, all you need to do is pairing your DAQ system with NextView.

To do that, choose the "Optionen" field in the menu and click on "Hardware Manager".

In the upper part of the opened window all paired hardware is shown, in the lower part all available hardware is listed.

To pair a DAQ system, activat the corresponding checkbox in the lower part of the window.

If you need help with you first measurment task, we recommend:

1. NextView manual

In the NextView manual you will find detailed descriptions on how to configure your DAQ system and how to start a recording.

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2. Tutorial Video-Series

Check out our NextView tutorials to learn all the basics with NextView.


3. Support

Our support is always keen to help you. Write an E-Mail to call us directly under +49 8141 4041800.